South West in Bloom Certificate Awards 2020

The Team of Babbacombe Bay Bloomers are thrilled to have been awarded 12 Certificates by the South West in Bloom Judges.  There was no formal judging this year, but instead the judges have watched us from afar by following our face book pages and our web site.

Local Media Reports – A Great Example of Volunteering

From the Babbacombe Bay web site –  It is fair to say that pretty much everyone has struggled in one way or another this year.A sense of community and beautiful surroundings are two things that can be of huge help.

Smart Crafts

The Babbacombe Bay Bloom Team welcomed our latest new traders to the shopping precinct, Phillip & Helen of ‘Smart Crafts’.  

Treasurer Mrs Jill Gillon Retires

Babbacombe Bay Bloomers Retiring Treasurer Mrs Jill Gillon – We would like to thank Jill for her many years of commitment and dedication as treasurer of Babbacombe Bay Bloomers, formerly the local District Action Group.

Great British September Clean

Babbacombe Bay Bloomers, along with Debbie Hye, spent a morning litter picking the verges of the St Marychurch Bypass and around the shopping Precinct area, helping to support the Keep Britain Tidy Group ‘Great British September Clean’.

Summer 2020 with the Bloom Team

Babbacombe Bay Bloomers have had a busy but enjoyable summer catching up on various outstanding jobs, watering planters, hedge cutting, strimming, weeding, working in the Millennium Copse, litter picking, planning future projects and not forgetting our video making efforts. 

A short Video Tour

As there is no  South West in Bloom judging this year we were invited to make a video of our area and enter for a ‘Certificate of Merit’ award.

Foxlands Walk

Foxlands Walk in St Marychurch, located just off the main Shopping Precinct, leading directly into Chilcote Close and the Chilcote car park and was at one time the entrance to the local Dairy.  The lane now comprises of a mix of housing along with five shop premises.

We’re back

We are back in the saddle ….. so into the woods and gardens.  After two weeks of busying around and about, things are starting to look loved again.

Volunteers – Making a Difference

Now that we can once again step outside, enjoy some fresh air and smell the scents of summer, why not join our happy and friendly group of Babbacombe Bay Bloom Volunteers?