Who we are
This website showcases the work of a fantastic group of local volunteers who look after Babbacombe and St Marychurch all year round with floral displays and general maintenance of horticultural and woodland areas.
They are motivated and take pride in the daily feedback from residents and visitors who just love what they do for the area.
Picturesque Babbacombe Bay in South Devon is a shallow, wide, north-south indentation into the south coast. It is bounded by Torquay to the south and Teignmouth to the north.
The breath-taking landscape has designated UNESCO Global Geopark status, one of only nine in the entire UK. A Geopark is an area of globally recognised, unique geological interest, designated by UNESCO. The dramatic scenery, exceptional coastline and rocks were formed millions of years ago at the bottom of a warm tropical sea and then scorched by the equatorial sun.
We are all very proud of our incredible local geology and rich cultural heritage and encourage locals and visitors alike to explore this fascinating area.
The local community and businesses are very supportive of the group with their frequent messages of encouragement. The group also receive messages of support from followers around the U.K and overseas via face book.
Babbacombe Bay Bloomers work in partnership with the RHS Britain in Bloom scheme. It has brought Babbacombe Bay success and fame winning Britain in Bloom Gold medals. Please look at the RHS Britain in Bloom website; it may inspire you to join us. There are currently over 200,000 Britain in Bloom volunteers nationwide, all working to improve the communities they live in.
Our Areas

Chicote Memorial Corner
Abbey School corner is the piece of land on the corner of Fore Street and St Marychurch Road, facing the Co-op. Being in such a prominent position between the Model Village and the...
Buglife on Babbacombe Downs
We joined in with this project along with Buglife and Torbay Council and have created a bed of plants for our pollinating insects Bees; whether bumble or honey, solitary or masonry,...
Millennium Copse
The Millennium Copse is the strip of wooded land alongside the by-pass, between Chilcote Close and Rowley Road.
St Marychurch Precinct
St Marychurch Precinct was opened in 1978 after the first stage of the by-pass was completed.
The Rose Garden
The Rose garden is on the corner of the junction of Babbacombe Road and Babbacombe Downs Road. Many pass by this little garden without realising it is a public area not a private...
READ MORENext Previous What others say
I've had a look at the website. It's really well laid out, informative and the pictures bring the whole thing together. Well done everyone!
Your work does not go un-noticed. Thank you for making the area so beautiful with colourful plants & a whole lot more.
Thank you all for making our home environment so beautiful to live in.
Brilliant, what a good job you all do, thank you.
It always looks lovely on the Downs and in the Precinct. Well done to you all and please keep up the good work.
Absolutely terrific, you all work so hard to keep the area looking good. Lots of respect.
Thank you, Babbacombe Bay Bloomers, for tidying up the beds around St Marychurch and replanting them so they all look tidy and smart again.
Proper Job, much appreciated, looking good, you are the "Bees Knees" and the Bees love your work. Many thanks.
Our Features

Fundraising & Sponsorship
During our voluntary working days we carry our collection buckets for people to throw a few coins or notes in. Either is very welcome.
Environmental Responsibility
The Precinct and rose garden planting is mostly sustainable, but the Precinct does need that extra burst of colour, so there we plant a mixture of bedding as well as sustainable plants...
Scarecrow Festivals
Abbi and Sally, who own and run the flower shop Fiesta Red in the Precinct, came up with idea of a scarecrow trail in 2018.
Torbay & Devon Civic Award
The Torbay & Devon Civic Award is an inspiring program that encourages children to do amazing things in the community from an early age.
READ MOREOur 2022 Portfolio
The Babbacombe in Bloom Group produces a 30-page document for the South West in Bloom Judges before they come to visit. The ‘Portfolio’ reflects a year in the life of the Babbacombe Bay Bloomers team. It shows Horticultural Excellence, Community Participation, Environmental Awareness, Local History, along with our Past and Future plans. It is an all-year round team effort and we look forward to the Judges visit and showing them around the area.
Can you Help?
We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to join us ....