The South West in Bloom judges have visited Babbacombe and St Marychurch for a three hour tour of the area. The Babbacombe Bay Bloomers group are in the Portman Cup category this year and up against 7 other towns, including Brixham. The judges were given a pictorial presentation, of Babbacombe past and present, by Chairman Tim Eley followed by a tour of the St Marychurch Precinct and Foxlands Walk, then shown Charlwood Court Gardens, the Milennium Copse and the Rose Garden, meeting volunteers, traders and residents along the way. They were taken to the Model Village for a brief visit and then a walk along the Downs to see the wonderful SWISCo flower beds and local business floral displays.
After a lunch stop at Coombe Court there was judging of three ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ awards, Tessier Gardens, the Babbacombe Cliff Railway and the Petit Plot Community Garden, followed by afternoon tea. A full and enjoyable day of judging and luckily only one heavy shower of rain.
The South West in Bloom judges this year were Terry Porter and Camilla Bassett-Smith. Results for all the Torbay Groups in the 2021 South West in Bloom Competitions, will be announced on 7th October at an awards ceremony to be held at the Winter Gardens in Weston-Super-Mare.